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Symbol Market Price Future Price Expiry Date Cost Of Carry Open Interest % Chg In OI
AARTIIND 448.50 446.40 26-Dec-2024 -7.39 15913000 0.36
AARTIIND 451.85 449.45 30-Jan-2025 -3.31 1159000 4.89
AARTIIND 453.00 452.20 27-Feb-2025 -0.75 125000 47.06
ABB 7677.80 7576.90 26-Dec-2024 -19.46 1478250 1.35
ABB 7729.10 7622.10 30-Jan-2025 -8.43 24000 3.78
ABB 7760.15 7693.85 27-Feb-2025 -3.57 2125 30.77
ABBOTINDIA 29000.00 28506.15 26-Dec-2024 -24.50 85280 -0.86
ABBOTINDIA 29144.65 28703.00 30-Jan-2025 -9.19 1660 12.16
ABBOTINDIA 29367.50 28698.00 27-Feb-2025 -9.31 260 0.00
ABCAPITAL 199.85 199.87 26-Dec-2024 0.16 65677500 -0.16
ABCAPITAL 201.06 201.02 30-Jan-2025 -0.13 1433700 10.17
ABCAPITAL 202.10 202.13 27-Feb-2025 0.06 72900 50.00
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