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Symbol Open Interest MWPL % MWPL
CANBK 423400500 134484112 314.83
NESTLEIND 9823600 7180127 136.82
IDEA 5619760000 4832931328 116.28
HAL 19311900 18967256 101.82
IDFCFIRSTB 670950000 796349184 84.25
VEDL 198775200 236487056 84.05
BANDHANBNK 161408800 193348112 83.48
MANAPPURAM 90849000 109688744 82.82
RBLBANK 97745000 119927304 81.50
INDUSTOWER 130798000 166969312 78.34
INDIACEM 32984600 44366512 74.35
SBICARD 42143200 58741476 71.74
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