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Scrip Filter
Company Name LTP (Rs) High Price (Rs) High Date Low Price (Rs) Low Date
Adani Ports 1,541.15 1,607.95 03-Jun-2024 742.15 27-Jul-2023
Asian Paints 2,949.95 3,422.00 29-Dec-2023 2,671.00 10-May-2024
Axis Bank 1,177.60 1,339.55 12-Jul-2024 921.00 28-Aug-2023
Bajaj Finance 6,789.40 8,190.00 06-Oct-2023 6,190.00 06-Mar-2024
Bajaj Finserv 1,586.05 1,741.85 15-Dec-2023 1,419.00 04-Jun-2024
Bharti Airtel 1,514.70 1,539.10 28-Jun-2024 847.60 31-Aug-2023
HCL Technologies 1,634.20 1,696.50 23-Feb-2024 1,095.95 31-Jul-2023
HDFC Bank 1,617.80 1,791.90 03-Jul-2024 1,363.45 14-Feb-2024
Hind. Unilever 2,711.75 2,812.00 23-Jul-2024 2,170.25 16-Apr-2024
ICICI Bank 1,207.70 1,257.65 11-Jul-2024 898.85 26-Oct-2023
IndusInd Bank 1,403.40 1,694.35 15-Jan-2024 1,354.70 03-Aug-2023
Infosys 1,878.75 1,883.00 26-Jul-2024 1,333.80 31-Jul-2023
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