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Company Issue Type Issue Size (Rs) Open Date Close Date Offer Price (Rs)
Aprameya Engineering... Book Building - SME 28.22 - 29.23 25-Jul-24 29-Jul-24 56.00-58.00
Clinitech Laboratory... Fixed Price - SME 5.78 25-Jul-24 29-Jul-24 96.00-0.00
Trom Industries Ltd Book Building - SME 30 - 31.37 25-Jul-24 29-Jul-24 110.00-115.00
S A Tech Software In... Book Building - SME 21.84 - 23.01 26-Jul-24 30-Jul-24 56.00-59.00
Esprit Stones Ltd Book Building - SME 47.52 - 50.42 26-Jul-24 30-Jul-24 82.00-87.00
Barjeel Geojit Financial Services L.L.C
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