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Reporting Date Equity / Debt Gross Purchase (Rs) Gross Sale (Rs) Net Purchase (Rs)
28-Nov-24 Equity 22062.07 18120.57 3941.5
28-Nov-24 Debt 13300.35 18056.32 -4755.97
27-Nov-24 Equity 7871.69 6089.91 1781.78
27-Nov-24 Debt 10104.31 11870.02 -1765.71
26-Nov-24 Equity 8292.14 7412.34 879.8
26-Nov-24 Debt 8871.92 12750.54 -3878.62
25-Nov-24 Equity 14700.21 18736.66 -4036.45
25-Nov-24 Debt 6134.99 13401.02 -7266.03
22-Nov-24 Equity 9624.64 7996.17 1628.47
22-Nov-24 Debt 8601.58 9419.32 -817.74
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Barjeel Geojit Financial Services L.L.C
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