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Company Issue Type Issue Size (Rs) Open Date Close Date Offer Price (Rs)
Akums Drugs & Pharma... (Book Built Portion) 1799.55 - 1856.74 30-Jul-24 01-Aug-24 646.00-679.00
Kizi Apparels Ltd Fixed Price - SME 5.58 30-Jul-24 01-Aug-24 21.00-0.00
Bulkcorp Internation... Book Building - SME 19.79 - 20.78 30-Jul-24 01-Aug-24 100.00-105.00
Rajputana Industries... Book Building - SME 22.63 - 23.88 30-Jul-24 01-Aug-24 36.00-38.00
Ashapura Logistics L... Book Building - SME 49.74 - 52.66 30-Jul-24 01-Aug-24 136.00-144.00
Sathlokhar Synergys ... Book Building - SME 88.29 - 92.93 30-Jul-24 01-Aug-24 133.00-140.00
Utssav CZ Gold Jewel... Book Building - SME 65.71 - 69.5 31-Jul-24 02-Aug-24 104.00-110.00
Dhariwalcorp Ltd Book Building - SME 24.2 - 25.15 01-Aug-24 05-Aug-24 102.00-106.00
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